Sunday, 27 October 2024


这是一隻辽宁试制"为人民服务"表。中国产表的一大乐趣在于盘面变化,而这其中,以能反应特定时代背景的最有意思。在特殊的文化大革命 1960-70年代,各种革命口号层出不穷,不少表厂也都纷纷响应,推出了“为人民服务"、“XXX万岁"的口号表盘,比如:辽宁试制、北京五型,还有上海,比如钻石怀表等。

这枚紅旗是其中我最喜欢的,第一是因为" 人民服务"红字在上,真正把"人民“放在了首要位置在表面上方;第二,盘面为辽宁早期试制的白漆面,有一种古朴温润之美,是同时期国产表里颇具美感的一类。红字之于白盘,非常突出,像是这盘专为这口号而设计。

This is a Liaoning trial production of "Serving the People" watch. One of the most interesting things about the China watch lies in the great variety of dials, and among them, it is the most interesting to reflect the background of a specific era.

In the 1960s and 1970s during the Cultural Revolution period, there were many kinds of slogan in China, and many watch manufacturers responded one after another. They launched "Serving the People" and "Long Live XXX" mouth number watches, such as: Liaoning Trial, Beijing Shanghai, Five-type, and Diamond Watch, etc.

The above watch piece is my favourite. Firstly, because the red word "People's Service" is on top and "People" is really put in the top position of the watch dial while many placed it on the bottom. Secondly, the dial is a white lacquer surface made in the early days of Liaoning, which has a kind of simple and warm beauty.

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Rolex Big Bubbleback 18k yellow gold ref 6105 from 1960 勞力士大泡泡背

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