Sunday, 28 March 2021

Rolex ref 6104 smooth bezel big bubbleback 勞力士大泡泡背

From my earlier blog in the year 2017... time flies...

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Rolex 6104 Big bubbleback

I was looking for a vintage military watch when I went to the vintage watch shop but my attention was immediately drawn to a bubbleback, a Big one. Initially, I thought it was a heavily used 6105 until I use a loop to see the engraving as 6104.

This is a rare 36x44mm (not counting the crown) 14K/ss ROLEX Ref 6104 BIG Bubbleback Oyster OVEVTTONE ca 1952. Research shows that about 1000 of these combined ref 6105 and 6104 Ovettone models were made. The ref 6105 model is with the coin/milled turned bezel is more common than the very rare 6104 model with smooth bezel. This 6104 is even more rare as it is in rose gold bezel and crown. This is the largest of the early Oyster Perpetual Models and this one is with red datewheel. The Ovettone model unlike the earlier and smaller Datejust is larger and is not distinguished by the name Datejust on the dial. The Ovettone Big Bubbleback is also distinguished by the ref numbers 4467, 6031 and 6105, 6104. They are all 2 Star or rare watches as designated in the Shugart price guide to watches. 

The big bubbleback date just wasn't using the cyclops magnifying lens, because the cyclops magnifying lens hasn't appeared until 1954. I was lucky as the Italian traders were busy trading his watches with the Thai traders. As he needs to trade for other watches, he was willing to let me have it at a special price! This is indeed a lucky find and the winding crown is an old one with the "+".

From 4467(1945-1949) to 5030503150756031(1949 - 1950)60756074(1950 - 1953)61046105(modified A2961951 - 1953) and early 6304 and 6305(A2961953 - 1956) all once has the crown mark.

Rolex big bubbleback family 4467, 6305, 6104, 6031

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Rolex ref 6050 Bubbleback from 1948

This is a Rolex Bubbleback ref 6050 from the  year 1948 in  its purist format, pub-9153422137839320, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0