Thursday, 21 May 2020

2018 Wish lists extended to 2020

The following are my 2020 wish lists and the progress:

1. Rolex Prince Jump Hour (Done May 2020)
2. Tudor Middle East center red (Done June 2020)
3. Vacheron & Constantin whitegold automatic
4. Rolex Datejust Tiger eye or Lapis dial
4. Blancpain 50
5. Lemania nuclear sub

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Rolex Big Bubbleback 18k yellow gold ref 6105 from 1960 勞力士大泡泡背

My love for the Rolex Big Bubbleback continues with this lovely Rolex 6105 in 18k gold from 1960.  The indices are ‘arrow-markers’, and the ..., pub-9153422137839320, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0