Thursday, 8 December 2022

Rolex Oysterdate ref 6694 Precision

The Rolex 6694 Precision is a simple hand wind watch. The Oysterdate Precision reference 6694 began in the early 1960s and ran on with great success until it was finally discontinued at the end of the 1980s, earning it the distinction of being Rolex’s last manual-wind watch. 

Not sure what’s wrong with the blue paint during the early years. Many Rolex,Patrk, IWC’s blue dials watches tend to have decolorisation

Please note that there are many reconditioned colour dips Rolex 6694
Only authentic ones are Black, Blue, silver, gold and white dials.

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Rolex Big Bubbleback 18k yellow gold ref 6105 from 1960 勞力士大泡泡背

My love for the Rolex Big Bubbleback continues with this lovely Rolex 6105 in 18k gold from 1960.  The indices are ‘arrow-markers’, and the ..., pub-9153422137839320, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0