Saturday, 2 July 2022

Melik Mido from 1936

Mido was a brand with much innovation and creativity during the early years. From their web page : One of the most popular crazes of the 1930s, fully embraced by the brand, was the costume watch. This took its influence from the worlds of sport and fashion, a huge source of inspiration for Mido's pieces. The brand's chief technician specialised in small calibres, which enabled him to work wonders. 

The expertise of Mido's watchmakers allowed them to create a number of highly exotic models, designed for both male and female customers: watches which featured a set of rolling balls instead of hour and minute hands, the Melik-Mido. This model was also available as a pocket watch and a table clock. 

There are very few information four Mido Malik. When I searched the internet, there are less than 10 pieces of such watches. It’s a handwind chrome plated mystery dial watch made in the 1930s and the two balls indicate the hour and minute hands. From the engraving, we can tell that it’s from the year 1936, some 86 years ago. This will be the last nostagic watch for the year after having the Harwood, Gruen's doctor watch.

I have finally managed to find another Melik Mido to pair it up.

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Rolex ref 6050 Bubbleback from 1948

This is a Rolex Bubbleback ref 6050 from the  year 1948 in  its purist format, pub-9153422137839320, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0