Monday, 16 August 2021

Rolex ref 1603 Bamboo bezel (from 1960)


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Rolex 1603 Bamboo bezel Datejust

I have been looking for the 1603 bamboo bezel for a while. Originally, I have seen one at Sheung Wan vintage watch shop but the seller wanted to keep it. I have seen another at TST but the price is very high. After some searching, I have finally found the Rolex Datejust ref 1603 with a very rare Bamboo Bezel at a reasonable price. According  to Osvaldo Patrizzi ’s book, this model has been produced for 1 year only, 1960 exclusively for the Italian Market. The watch dial has aged gracefully with a nice light patina...

One down, 3 to go for 2018....

At certain angles, the patina looks pinkish..

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Rolex Big Bubbleback 18k yellow gold ref 6105 from 1960 勞力士大泡泡背

My love for the Rolex Big Bubbleback continues with this lovely Rolex 6105 in 18k gold from 1960.  The indices are ‘arrow-markers’, and the ..., pub-9153422137839320, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0