Thursday, 10 September 2020

Rolex 16610LV Kermit green bezel (2003-2010)

My key focus for watch collecting has mainly with the vintage series. As previously I have worked in the watch trade, I have helped my brother and friends bought the Green bezel, green arrows, and the green glass Milgauss.

Initially, I was looking for a Rolex 16570 Explorer 2 for everyday use but I have always longed for the Rolex 16610LV (2003-2010) made to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Rolex Submariner. I have missed several watches along the way and I finally decided to aim for one since this has been continued in 2010, almost 10 years.

There are two variations of the Rolex Submariner 16610LV that have a minimal difference. First, there is the original Kermit Submariner, and then there is the Kermit “Flat 4”. The small differences between them are widely discussed among collectors. Most people won’t notice the small difference, but on the Flat 4, the watch has a different font for the number 4 on the dial. The latter 1660LV watches have a four that makes a point on the inside of the 4, but the earlier feature a 4 where it meets with a flat line on the inside of the four

The "LV" in the reference 16610LV stands for “lunette verte”, which refers to the color of the bezel (vert meaning green and lunette meaning bezel). Rolex adds the letters at the end of the reference numbers on watches that have other variations (such as color differences) to help differentiate between different models by their reference numbers.

For example, during the production of the 1660LV, Rolex also made the 16610LN, which referred to the color of the bezel being black.

The Rolex 16610LN looks similar to the  16610LV. The key differences between the 16610LV and 16610LN are the following: The 16610LV has a maxi dial (larger hour markers), larger (fatter) hands, green bezel insert, and the warranty paper will have a V in the model number.

This watch has a special meaning as I have decided to move apartment and use the rental savings to finance this watch. This green bezel will fit nicely with my Rolex Milgausss green glass. Next will be the Rolex GMT green arrow…

Submariner ref.16610LV Basel World 2003 錶展上首度亮相,以紀念 Submariner 錶款誕生 50 週年,它擁有一些獨特的細節使其與普通版 ref.16610LN 帶有不同,包括「Maxi」錶盤怖局,小時刻度較當時普通版更大,同時也擁有更大的指針和一個獨特的綠色外圈,儘管幾年後在新的 陶瓷版 Submariner 上又出現了新的「Maxi」錶盤和指針。在整個 16610LV 生命週期中,其錶盤和外圈的顏色亦曾經出現過好幾個變數,這可從其序列號分類中查探得到,其中最重要的一個便是 Y 系列的 ref.16610LV,是錶款的最初期型號,最高為Y9xxxxx,非常罕有,除了外圈綠色較淺色之外,亦因為外圈上的 40 數字中,4 的頂部內則為平坦而有著「平頭 4」的稱號,與往後的尖頂相反,正因為這些細微的分別,令這類 Y 字頭型號變得更具價值

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