Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Omega watch made for Middle East

I have always love vintage watches with special dial and watches made specially for the Middle East. Even though buying a fully functioning vintage watch is satisfying, one of the fun in vintage watch collecting is the restoration of vintage watch. I am now working on a restoration project for a unique Omega watch made for the Middle East market. The dial is unique as it has images of the first three Kings of Saudi Arabia plus all the numerals are in local language. 

1. King Abdul Aziz (Ibn Saud)  1932 - 1953

2. King Saud (Saud bin Abdulaziz), son of King Abdul Aziz    1953 - 1964

3. King Faisal (Faisal bin Abdulaziz), son of King Abdul Aziz  1964 - 1975

The watch has been in neglect for many decades. After several weeks of finding spare parts and watch makers, I have finally managed to complete the project with the help of Mr. Wong. The movements and the winding stems will need to be replaced as well as the hands set. The watch is now functioning well for everyday use.

Another watch from the internet for comparison.

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Rolex ref 6050 Bubbleback from 1948

This is a Rolex Bubbleback ref 6050 from the  year 1948 in  its purist format, pub-9153422137839320, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0