Monday, 24 August 2020

Tudor Oyster 7934 with special dial for the Middle East or Indian market 2

As mentioned in my earlier Tudor Oyster 7934 with special dial for the Middle East market or Indian market 1, I have managed to find a special Tudor watch 7934 Oyster with decorated concentric dial design and with filigree design inside the dial. There are a total 3 colours namely Red, Blue, Green plus it comes with two sizes  34mm and 30mm.

My seller friend Yu from Hong Kong has a set of three and he wanted to sell it as a set of below:

Since I have already have the red dial, I will need to pair up with Matthew to get these collectively. I have taken the Blue and he took the Green & Red.

My blue dial watch is from second quarter of 1959

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Rolex ref 6050 Bubbleback from 1948

This is a Rolex Bubbleback ref 6050 from the  year 1948 in  its purist format, pub-9153422137839320, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0