Friday, 1 May 2020

Bulova Accutron Space view rare oversize T model Cushion

I have always wanted a Bulova Accutron space view. The Bulova Space view comes in a varieties of shapes and it also comes in solid gold, gold filled and stainless steel.  Owing to the popularity and high demand of the Accutron space view, there are many Accutron that come with  “conversions” in the market. As such, collector’s recommendation is to only buy a chapter ring Spaceview online.

In the end, my key criteria for the choice of the Accutron has to be Big, and it has to have a chapter ring and in stainless steel and with the early caliber 214. This is a Vintage Rare Oversized Accutron T Model Triple Cushion 15 Jewel Tuning Fork Cal. 214 complete  with original metal bracelet. This is a bigger jumbo size space view. Do you know an Accutron does not tick but hummmm.. Always nice to put the watch to your ear and listen to the hum.

Despite the Covid 19 Locked down, my Bulova accutron has arrived HK safely! The watch consition is much nicely then the seller's photos. The watch size is just nice as the jumbo size also fit today's trend. As it comes with the original metal bracelet, it make it more complete.

Every discerning collector should have at least one tuning fork caliber with the retro-cool look.  

Spaceview "Triple Cushion"  Oversized Model
The case shape, the inner bezel chapter track and the Crystal are all three in the cushion shape)  Even though ALL Spaceview T models are quite scarce, most all of the oversized Accutron Spaceview T models are Not Triple Cushion!

What's an Accutron ? (and SPACE Connections)
The Bulova Accutron was the world's first electronic watch. People sometimes refer to the Accutron as the worlds first electric watch. This isn't quite true but as it was the first to use a bipolar transistor it certainly deserves the former accolade. The first Accutron was manufactured in 1960 and was the watch chosen by some of the 'Original Seven' NASA astronauts  to accompany man on his first journeys into space. Scott Carpenter famously modeled a Bulova Accutron 'Astronaut' on the front cover of Paris Match in 1962. Contrary to popular myth the Accutron only flew in space a couple of times on the wrist of an astronaut. It was not the watch chosen by NASA as the astronaut flight qualified time piece, this accolade goes to the Omega Speedmaster Professional. The Omega however was never (except in Apollo 13) used as the primary reference for any mission critical activities. Accutron movements were used in panel clocks and as instrument timers. Even today there is still an accutron tuning for keeping time on the moon

'Tuning Fork Watches'?
The watch uses a tuning fork as its prime moving element. It is a well understood physical principle that the faster your initial reference the more accurate your time keeping will be. The most accurate clocks nowadays use the vibrations of a caesium atom as their reference. In the 1950s the best mechanical watches could rely on a prime moving element with a frequency of around 2 Hz (That is two 'beats' per second). Max Hetzel an engineer employed by the Bulova Watch Company of Bienne Switzerland designed an electrically excited tuning fork movement with a a frequency of 360 Hz. Bulova claimed an accuracy of 2sec per day or 1 min per month. This was the only movement  capable of the accuracy demanded by spaceflight. Accutrons were used as time references in many satellites and also to control some of the Apollo moon experiments.The Tuning Fork Movement is absolutely unique in operation emitting a distinctive hum and featuring a sweep seconds hand. Here's a reproduction of an advertisement produced by Bulova in the early 1960s.

The Case
A vintage "Future Modern" classic one of the largest spaceview watches at 36.25mm, and 43mm Lug tip to lug tip.Like the case main Fully signed screw down case back in Stainless Steel

The Dial
Again a classy crisp with no signs of wear, these spaceviews are so cool that you can see and hear them working. with original white Tuning fork hands which stand out against its complex electromechanical background ,

The Movement
Bulova 214
  • electronically controlled tuning fork
  • sweep second
  • 15 jewels
  •  f = 360Hz
According to collector David J Rudary, The first spaceviews were made without chapter rings and were made for advertising purposes as one member said. They "caught on" and Bulova ended up producing over 2,000,000 214 models during the 60's into the 70's. In all of Bulova's career with Accutrons they produced over 5,000.000 of these units! The chapter ring models (214) have the chapter ring seated into the bezel area located by a pin on the chapter ring that mates with a drilled blind hole in the bezel. There are a lot of imitations out there and one sure way to detect them are:

1. The hands (they must be white and the finish will be "pebble like" when magnified. 
2. Be sure the second hand where the post is rivited is not filled with paint for that's a sure indicator someone refinished the hand. 
3.The crystal size is another indicator for there were only specific case sizes the spaceviews were made to. The first modles were made to fit a 29.0 mm crystal, then they progressed up the popular 29.9 mmm. Both sizes had the chapter rings applied to the inside face of the crystal along with the Accutron name at below the 12:00 position with the Accutron logo at the upper most 12:00 position. The applied crystal must be crisp and clear for the immitations are mot crisp and some are really close but upon magnification one can spot the differences. There are several sizes above these as well

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