Monday, 3 February 2020

Rolex Viceroy Reference 3359

The Rolex Viceroy has a similar movement as the Rolex Viceroy. The Viceroy ref 3359 with Pink gold bezel and crown is one of the more unusual vintage Rolex watches simply because the Oyster case is so unique in appearance. The stepped flat top case is one of Rolex’s most pleasing designs. As a result of the different case design, the Viceroy generally commands a premium over the Speedking. I have traded one of my Titus Calypsomatic for this beauty. The Rolex Viceroy comes in solid gold, stainless steel and half gold (yellow and pink)

The Rolex Viceroy side by side with the pink gold bezel Rolex Speedking boy size watch. Both small size by today's standard but both have the best hand wind movement made by Rolex from the 1940-50s. Once the fashion cycle for smaller watches has returned, these will become the darling of collectors again.

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Rolex Day Date ref 1807 & 1803 & 18078

Rolex Day Date ref 1807 Rolex 18078, pub-9153422137839320, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0