Monday, 3 February 2020

Rolex Eaton watches

I have a soft spot for the Rolex Eaton watch made for the Eaton departmental store in Canada. The Eaton departments store in Canada was a legendary retailer for over most of the 20th Century but eventually went into bankruptcy in 1999, after 130 years in business. One of the lasting legacy of their history is the Quarter Century Club watches made by Rolex for their long service awards. The watches are rare in the fact that it is perhaps the only a few instances were Rolex allowed their watches to be rebranded with another companies name and certainly the only one in the post war era. These were amongst the only ROLEX watches produced and allowed by ROLEX to appear without the name ROLEX on the dial. This watch also retains the original ROLEX winding crown

Rolex Quarter Century Club This Rolex Quarter Century club was a hard earned watch as one has to work for Eaton department store for a period of 25 years in order to be officially presented with this watch as a token of apprectaion for long service. The 1/4 century club starts from the 1900s to till the 1970s as it started with the Pocket watches, to Rolex Prince, hand wind till the final automatic movement. These watches were presented to employees of Canada's T. Eaton department store who has served twenty-five-year with the company.  It comes in different varieties depending on when the watch was given away. There are a few models from early Pocket watches, to Prince series ref Ref 1490 in the 1930s, ref 2927 in the 1950s, to a manual winding model ref 6022, 6222, 6422, in the 1950s and this automatic model ref 1011 from 1960s, 5031 from the 1970s. For the ladies, there is ref 4554.

Most of these comes in solid gold Prince watch model (Ref 1490, 2927), or Hand wind gold  (Ref 6022, 6222, 6422) and automatic model (Ref 1011, 5031). It has taken me over 32 years to collect only 4 of such watches.

Just when everyone thought that the Eaton watches are in the Prince and round handwind and automatic watches, I was lucky to be able to find one in stainless steel model plus in the format of the "Rolex bubbleback". The watch also comes with the provenance certificate. As such, for vintage Rolex watch collecting, never says never as Rolex has produced all kind of varieties!

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Rolex Big Bubbleback 18k yellow gold ref 6105 from 1960 勞力士大泡泡背

My love for the Rolex Big Bubbleback continues with this lovely Rolex 6105 in 18k gold from 1960.  The indices are ‘arrow-markers’, and the ..., pub-9153422137839320, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0