Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Rolex Daytona 16520, 6239, 6265

When I first started to collect the vintage Rolex watches, Rolex Daytona was selling at US$1000 per piece in 1988-90. Nobody wants these watches until these few years. Previously, I have bought a Patek Philippe Top Hat at US$10,000 from a reputable shop in Taiwan when I was working there in 1999. Later on, there are some issues with the Patek as the shop has mixed up the cases and movement during servicing. As such, I have swapped for a Rolex Daytona 16520 instead. Now, the Rolex Dayston 16520 with Zenith movement is still with me...

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Rolex Bark bezel & bracelet 18078

This is commonly known as Rolex Day Date Bark bezel & bracelet ref 18078.   Named so for their resemblance to tree bark, these particula..., pub-9153422137839320, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0