Monday, 3 February 2020

Rolex ref 1016 Explorer 1

The Explorer 1016 is one of the most iconic Rolexes, that was in production for almost 30 years. This reference started with a gilt, glossy dial, and towards late 1966, early 1967 the manufacture switched to a matte dial with painted numerals which was made by the manufacture well into the 1980s.

I used to own several Rolex Explorers 1016 and I have sold the matte dials and kept only the gilt dials. The Rolex Explorer 1016 in gilt dials below and one has changed to brown color.

The Rolex 1016 is one of the most versatile Rolexes ever produced, and is the perfect hybrid of an elegant dress watch and a sporty tool watch. 

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Rolex ref 6050 Bubbleback from 1948

This is a Rolex Bubbleback ref 6050 from the  year 1948 in  its purist format, pub-9153422137839320, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0